We focus on high standards
Certificates are not the only determinants of quality in our company. Check how others appreciated us.

Highest quality
Energotechnika Engineering Sp. z o.o. leading the comprehensive activity on the market of high qualified engineering services utilize the Integrated Management System procedures assuring the highest quality level of offered services warranting the full satisfaction to all our Customers.

Energotechnika Engineering Sp. z o.o.. leads the quality policy with the liability for the safety and health protection of its employees and any other people being influenced by the Company operation as well as for the services quality.

Constant improvement
Offered services meet the requirements of the obligatory regulations and the highest national and international standards.All employees are fully familiar with the systems and work according to the requirements of QA/QC and HSE systems. The basic target of the systems is operation improvement and process optimization.
Our cerificates
Certificate ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2015 certificate was issued by ZETOM Katowice and confirms that Energotechnika Engineering Sp. z o.o. introduced and efficiently operates according to the QA requirements during design and other services in refer to the objects, infrastructure as well as auxiliary installations in energy and industry sector.