Utility and industrial power and heat engineering

Basic and detail engineering for:
- coal fired power units,
- combined cycle power units,
- municipal and industrial CHP plants,
- incineration pants,
- renewable energy sources,
- heating networks (steam and water),
- oil handling systems,
- compressed air plants,
- fuel handling systems for power plants,
- slag, ash and sorbent handling systems,
- water treatment plants for steam and water cycle,
- water treatment plants for cooling system,
- water treatment plants for heat distribution system,
- condensate polishing and ion regeneration plants,
- process, rain and municipal waste water treatment plant,
- generator cooling system,
- generator fire-fighting system,
- dust removal systems,
- flue gas desulphurisation systems,
- flue gas denitrification systems,
- maintenance and overhaul management,
- auxiliary systems,
Technical consulting for concepts of heat and power sources.
Technical and cost efficiency analysis.
Expert analysis, CFD calculations, stress and pipe compensation analysis.
Start-up and operation manuals.
Project management.
Technical documentation for bidding process.